What you do not know about the benefits of watercress oil for hair

Mostafa Shaaban
Mostafa ShaabanChecked by: Rana Ehab17 March 2019Last update: 7 months ago

Learn about the benefits of watercress oil for hair
Learn about the benefits of watercress oil for hair

Watercress oil is one of the natural oils that are extracted from the watercress plant, a plant that grows in southern Europe and Central Asia in particular.

Its seeds contain erucic acid and have been used in the foot to get rid of skin problems and fight infections.

Today we will learn about the importance, benefits and method of using watercress oil for hair of all kinds. Follow us.

What you do not know about the benefits of watercress oil for hair

Limits hair loss

  • Works watercress oil as a strong antidote For infections and anti for fungi Because it contains beneficial fatty acids.
  • It can be used on a daily basis to benefit from it in solving a problem hair loss Especially in the summer due to prolonged exposure to the sun.

Treatment of embrittlement and dandruff

  • It is useful in overcoming all hair problems, the most important of which is split ends.
  • get rid of Dandruff that makes the sufferer feel itchy Severe dandruff occurs due to dryness of the scalp.
  • to get rid of a problem Dandruff A paste can be made from it by adding it to any other ingredient with watercress oil, and the head is massaged with it.

It grows and intensifies the hair

  • It contains potassium and protein at a high rate, and when used, it works to treat problems thin hair.
  • Hair care and work on its growth Naturally and stimulating its intensity.
  • feed Scalp and treat related problems with weakness.

Protect hair from damage

  • Treat and protect hair and make it look healthy And strengthen the scalp.
  • add Softness and shine And the softness of the hair because it contains sulfur, iron, potassium, zinc, manganese and other important useful vitamins that protect the hair from dandruff damage.
  • fight Bacterial infections Which affects the hair and helps to moisturize and get rid of dryness.
  • The ability to balance work hormones in the body and thus hair growth becomes normal.
  • a plus hair length and protect it from vulnerability.
  • Follicle strengthening And improve its work and stimulate blood circulation in the scalp by massaging the hair with oil and leaving it for at least an hour.
  • Lengthening and strengthening hair and cure Drought Moisturizing it, solving dandruff problems, adding luster to it, and making it appear healthy and beautiful.

He treats baldness

  • Contributes to hair germination In people with baldness It contains vitamins that nourish the scalp by using it after heating it and applying it for at least a quarter of an hour.
  • effective treatment of cases Androgenetic alopecia or resulting from exposure to various environmental factors.

Recipes using watercress oil for hair

To moisturize hair and treat dryness

This wonderful recipe helps to get rid of the problem of dryness that affects the scalp, and this problem can be eliminated by:


  • Two tablespoons of watercress oil.
  • A small amount of aloe vera gel.
  • one egg.

How to prepare:

  1. Mix all ingredients in a bowl together well.
  2. After the ingredients are homogeneous, it is placed on the hair with a massage and leaves ten minutes.
  3. The mixture is washed off for a month with cold water and the recipe is repeated twice a week.

To soften hair and eliminate its roughness

This recipe helps eliminate coarse hair in a short time by:


  • Two tablespoons of watercress oil.
  • spoon of coconut oil.
  • Two tablespoons of olive oil.

How to prepare:

  1. All ingredients are mixed together.
  2. The mixture is placed on the hair for twenty minutes.
  3. Wash with lukewarm water and repeat the recipe once a week.

To reduce hair loss and strengthen it

This recipe helps to get rid of the problem of hair loss through:


  • Two tablespoons of watercress oil.
  • One egg white.
  • A spoonful of aloe vera gel.

How to prepare:

  1. The ingredients are mixed in a deep bowl.
  2. The mixture is applied to the hair with a good massage from the roots to the ends.
  3. The hair is washed after ten minutes, and the recipe is repeated once a week to get rid of this problem permanently.

Recipe for smoothing hair and making it soft

This recipe adds softness and suppleness to hair by:


  • Three tablespoons of watercress oil.
  • Two tablespoons of curd.

How to prepare:

  1. Mix both the oil and the curd in a deep bowl well.
  2. The mixture is applied to the hair with a massage and left for at least twenty minutes.
  3. Wash the hair with lukewarm water, then repeat the process twice a week.
Mostafa Shaaban

I have been working in the field of content writing for more than ten years. I have experience in search engine optimization for 8 years. I have passion in various fields, including reading and writing since childhood. My favorite team, Zamalek, is ambitious and has many administrative talents. I hold a diploma from AUC in personnel management and how to Dealing with the work team.

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